Monday, August 29, 2011

Pet Peeves

Inaugurates the denial, and false tanning lotions transcript Transcript: Hello. I'm Coco. I'm changing roles. I am not the sweet, pretty girl as always. Nope. Today I feel like a "bitch." I'll put my feelings out there big time! All things inside the pier heads up - I left out! I annoyed a couple of pets to share with you! My first pet peeve: when I press my stories about my experience with Usher syndrome, for example my latest vlog, where I know the talkingI miss them or do what I want to see if I do go blind, is ... (If you have not seen it yet, check it out.) Vlog The more e-mail comments, but have a couple of those guys that I read, I checked. Some of those e-mails sent to the same Usher syndrome, although not many. Some said: "Coco, I am shocked by the fact that you did, that vlog! What's happening? I thought your thought Usher syndrome and have been back and forward. They seem to be in denial. "Then, a comment he said:" WhyVolg you make? Do you expect other people to pity you? "Excuse me, you are the one of denial. I do not. No, I'm willing to let me discover what I feel, and understand these experiences with you so that both sighted and blind people can, in my opinion. Because I am all , all my feelings inside? No, no, you know that before I noticed that a lot of vlogs, many people find that really influenced my vlog. gave them the chills and the feeling of awe. E '...

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